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Rosy Der Ohannessian

GM Rosy is a Corporate Executive and a mother of three wonderful children. Rosy’s natural gift combined with her extensive trainings enables her to guide the students to reach calm abiding and self evolution with compassion and wisdom.

Rosy is Born in Europe, her passion is to teach Reiki and meditation she also offers individual Reiki sessions.


Her Reiki knowledge was first awakened by very powerful, pure compassionate loving Teacher GM Brana in Montreal at the DivineYu Academy.


GM Brana initiated Rosy with her first degree Reiki Usui in February 2016 which was followed by 8 additional levels before reaching a Grand master Level.

In addition to that Rosy continued to pursue her path by acquiring more knowledge she got certified in the following courses:

Shamatha Meditation, Mindfulness for kids, Past life regression, Mantra Meditation, Crystal healing Wholistic Nutrition, Holy Fire Reiki Master, Ancient Himalayan master practices, Opening of Chakras.


Rosy has beautiful relationships with her Reiki students and many Became Reiki Grandmasters, Her Reiki sessions are strong and compassionate. Rosy is like a lioness when it comes to protecting the well-being of her students, clients and children. She applies all her teachings in her daily life, she lives happy, peaceful and grateful.

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